Cloud Financial

Finthesys brings sense to your cloud expenditure through robust financial management and governance. Whether you’re in finance, technical operations, or engineering, Finthesys allows you to visualize, report and action on your cloud spend. Customers have saved over 40% of their Cloud costs and put on a path to success. Let Finthesys help bring you the peace of mind knowing that you are spending wisely for cloud resources. Our simple and straightforward pricing plans create flexibility for any organization size and amount of cloud spend.

  • Digital


  • Rapidly onboard to the platform
  • SaaS based solution for rapid deployment
  • Customize your solution
  • Cost


  • Actionable alerts for budget and cost overruns
  • Forecast spend.
  • Automated power scheduling
  • Cost


  • Setup budgets at organization level and application level
  • Savings Plans tracking
  • Annual, quarterly, monthly budgets

Our competitors are a once size fits all solution. We allow you to create and visualize your company on how you want it created and display it in easy to understand graphs and reports that your product, application and finance teams can use interdependent and cross-functionally. Built-in Governance capabilities keep you ahead of your next months spend and forecasts. Easy to implement budgeting will ensure that cost anomalies and sudden increases are mitigated and visible before they become a financial problem.


Business Critical FinOps Reporting at the click of a button!

  • FinOps Governance Reports


    Understand where issues and outliers are occurring and so that your teams can build new capabilities into your daily processes


    Report daily increases, forecasted spend and configured compliance guardrails.

  • Cloud Spend Reports


    Per Application, Workload, Business Unit or Product spend based on how your organization is designed.


    Down to resource level spend and increase reports for all of your workloads and environments.

  • Showback Reports


    Perfect for your finance professionals to report on which workloads and applications are costing the most money and tie to revenue and ROI.


    Automated distribution for your product teams for cost savings planning and over utilization remediation.

Cost Optimization

  • Recommendations


  • Top N lists cloud service and resource spending
  • Recommendations on rightsizing, removal and remediation
  • Insights on where runaway spend, and high daily increases are occurring
  • Guidance on where to add governance and missing guardrails.
  • FinOps Automations

  • One-of-a-kind tag remediation
  • Budget compliance and configuration
  • Powers scheduling and Removal.
  • Optimization Tracking

  • Track progress and Savings
  • View detailed workload increases and decreases.
  • Cost changes over time in easy to view graphs and reports.
  • Exportable to excel supported formats.

Spend Monitoring

Monitor Your Cloud Spends In Real Time

  • Tag


  • Continous Tag compliance minitoring
  • Continuos Automated Tag Corrections
  • Centralized Tag Report Generation
  • Tag Policy Configuration
  • Tag Policy Enforcement
  • Wastage


  • Monitor Cloud Resource Wastage
  • Monitor Unwanted Storage Volumes
  • Monitor Unwanted AMIs, Sanpshots, & S3 Objects
  • Monitor unwanted Log files
  • Centrally Configure Retention Period For Unwanted Files
  • Cost Anomaly


  • Perform Cost Anomaly Detection Using Cost Monitors
  • Find Daily Cost Incurred In Your Accounts
  • View Daily Cost Trend Across All Accounts
  • Find Unauthorised Deployments

Cloud Integrations

Seamless Integration With Public Clouds Like AWS & Google Cloud Platform

  • SaaS Model

  • Hosted In Finthesys Cloud
  • Remote & Secure Integration With Your Cloud
  • Zero Maintenance Once Setup